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Basic Facts to Know About Grinders

 Basic Facts to Know About Grinders

When it comes to grinding tobacco or other product for your vaping desires, a quality grinder can make all the difference between getting the most out of your supply and not. Because of the nature of vaporizers, grinding your product before loading the chamber is essential for a decent vape session. Grinders have increased in popularity recently as a more efficient alternative to breaking up tobacco manually or with other devices. These small tools range from cheap to exceptional in terms of quality of material, construction, and filtering capabilities. Continue reading below for a more in-depth look at a comparison of the different grinder varieties.

Construction Material of Grinders

There are three basic materials grinders are constructed with—plastic, wood, and metal. Plastic grinders are by far the cheapest and may be useful when you don’t have access to any other type of grinder, but the teeth are more fragile than other types of grinders. During the grinding process, the teeth may break off and mix into your product contaminating your supply. Plastic grinders aren’t intended for heavy use. Wooden grinders tend to work more efficiently than plastic grinders, but repeated use can cause cracks in the wood and eventually the teeth may also break off. Wooden grinders have aesthetic appeal, but you may need to replace them more regularly than metal grinders. The inside of wooden grinders should also be unfinished so paint and other finishing lacquers don’t chip into your product. Metal grinders are by far the most durable and the sharper teeth produce a more finely ground product. Metal grinders are typically made from aluminum and sometimes plated with titanium for durability.

Structure and Assembly

Most grinders have a 2.5 inch diameter and 2-4 separate parts. For the most thoroughly ground product, the average sized grinder should have close to 50 teeth. The fewer teeth, the less it will grind up your product. Also, the more parts a grinder has, the more separation you will get from your product. A two-piece won’t separate your product at all, while a four-piece may even filter out pollen for later use.

Two-piece grinders keep everything in one chamber, so you may be left with inconsistent chunk sizes and have a harder time retrieving the product from in-between the teeth. A three-piece, or two-chamber grinder, will include holes in the bottom of the first chamber for only certain sized bits to fall through to the second chamber. Round holes, rather than oval or other shapes, tend to allow for a more consistently ground finished product to fall into the second chamber. Some grinders go the extra step and add a screen below the second chamber to filter out the fine powder of pollen into a third chamber. Although pollen is too fine to use in a typical vaporizer, you can still collect this potent material for use elsewhere. Of course, the more parts grinders have the more expensive they will be. Your budget, your needs, and your preferences will all play a part in deciding the best grinder for you.

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  • Abbigail Montgomery