Delta 11
If you're an experienced alternative cannabinoid user, chances are you've heard the buzz about Delta 11 THC. Delta 11 is a rare, natural variant of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that is found in small concentrations in many cannabis strains. Not to be confused with 11-hydroxy-THC, Delta 11 is considered to be about 3x as potent as traditional THC.
While Delta 11 products are new to the market, SMOKEA® offers a variety of Delta 11 vape cartridges, disposable vapes and dabs from some of the industry's best brands.
Does Delta 11 Get You High?
Yes. While Delta 11 is still fairly new to the market, it is reported to be psychoactive and considered to be about 3x stronger than traditional THC.
All products contain less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC as allowed by the 2018 Farm Bill. Please read our full Hemp Disclaimer by clicking here.