THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin) is a fascinating compound found in cannabis that is similar to THC in molecular structure and psychoactive properties, but it provides a variety of pronounced and altogether different effects.
While known for it's stronger potency when compared to Delta 9 THC, consumers also enjoy it's shorter duration of effects. The combination of these factors makes our THCV the perfect solution for on-the-go users who would like to find an option that’s a bit zestier than Delta 9, but doesn’t last as long.
SMOKEA® offers a wide selection of federally legal, hemp-derived THCV products including vapes, vape cartridges, edibles, tincture and more.
Does THCV Get You High?
Because THCV is so similar to Delta 9 THC in structure, it does produce psychotropic effects. It's effects are said to hit harder and faster than traditional THC but with a shorter duration.
All products contain less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC as allowed by the 2018 Farm Bill. Please read our full Hemp Disclaimer by clicking here.