Beaker Bongs
Beaker Bongs are the most common bong style commonly seen in local smoke shops and in movies and TV shows. A beaker bong is a water pipe used for smoking dry herbs that features a beaker-shaped base to hold the water. These bongs can come in a wide variety of sizes and can have a list of different features; however, they all boast a beaker base.
Bongs can have a variety of different shapes and bases. The beaker base typically provides the largest base when compared to straight tube bongs, however, bubble bongs also provide a large water capacity base. Bongs with larger bases tend to be more stable and prevent accidental breakage better. They also provide more surface area so can sometimes be more decorative or artistic.
While glass beaker bongs are probably the most common, these bongs can also be made from acrylic, silicone and more. These different materials provide for unique smoking experiences and have unique advantages such as acrylic and silicone being less accident-prone.
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Beaker bongs can have a wide range of different characteristics including ice catchers, fixed downstems, built in percolators and much more. Percolators can also come in a variety of different styles such as honeycomb or turbine percolators. Browse SMOKEA®'s selection of beaker bongs and find the perfect water pipe to fit your needs. Don't forget to use your SMOKEA® Rewards account and earn up to 10% back in rewards with your purchase.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the advantages of beaker bongs?
Beaker bongs, when compared to straight tube bongs, can generally hold more water in the base of the bong. This provides for more filtration and a smoother smoking experience. The larger base also makes the water pipe more stable and prevents more accidental breakage.
Do beaker bongs have percolators?
Beaker bongs come in a variety of styles. Some can contain percolators, built in ice catchers, fixed downstems and a long list of other features. On the other hand, beaker bongs can often be very simplistic and traditional in design and not have a lot of bells and whistles.
What are alternatives to beaker bongs?
Typically the two main bong styles are beaker bongs and straight tube bongs. However, there are several other types such a bubble base bongs, flared bongs and other unique shapes like bongs with pyramid-shaped bases.
- Cookies
- Eyce
- Freeze Pipe
- Fresh
- Glass House
- Grateful Dead
- Hemper
- Higher Standards
- K. Haring
- Marley Natural
- Milkyway
- MJ Arsenal
- Ooze
- Piecemaker
- Pulsar
- Ritual
- Session Goods
- Softglass
- Tyson 2.0
- AmberAmber
- BlackBlack
- BlueBlue
- BrownBrown
- ClearClear
- GrayGray
- GreenGreen
- OrangeOrange
- PinkPink
- PurplePurple
- RainbowRainbow
- RastaRasta
- RedRed
- SlymeSlyme
- SmokeSmoke
- TealTeal
- WhiteWhite
- YellowYellow
- Banger Hanger
- Bent Mouthpiece
- Built In Ash Catcher
- Built In Screen
- Decal/Logo
- Dual Use
- Finished Joint
- Fixed Downstem
- Flat Mouthpiece
- Glow in the Dark/Blacklight
- Glycerin Coil
- Helix
- Ice Catcher
- Limited Edition
- Liquid Filled
- Made in USA
- Percolator
- Reclaim Catcher
- Removable Mouthpiece
- Sandblasted
- Soft Glass
- Splashguard
- Stash Jar
- Stemless
- Themed
Piecemaker Kali Go! Silicone Bong
Eyce Mini Silicone Beaker Bong
Ritual 7.5" Silicone Lava Lamp Bong