The Science Behind Helix Pipes and Accessories

Blending science, art, and functionality, American Helix Glass is a unique brand of pipes and adaptors designed to spin smoke in its chambers. Created and manufactured in Austin, TX, the purpose of an American Helix pipe is to cool smoke while providing excellent filtration and full flavor.
Smoking devices are nothing new – bongs have been found in Central Asia and Africa, and people were smoking out of golden bongs about 2,400 years ago. American Helix pipes are however, a new and versatile concept that has for the past decade, given pipe smokers a new way to visually enjoy a smooth smoking experience.
How Does American Helix Work?
In a helix chamber, smoke either from dry herbs or concentrates, moves through a Venturi chamber. This funnels the fluid which increases with velocity as it passes through the pipe. This means instantly clearer filtration for the smoke before it’s even at the percolator.
The helix percolator has a main chamber, and its bulb-like shape with small slits make it easy for spinning and altering the smoke in various directions. A bulbous shape adds air into the glass, meaning the smoke cools down, creating a smooth experience upon inhalation.
American Helix pipe products are recommended because our lungs can’t take too much smoke all at once. American Helix pipes are designed to enhance the smoking experience, while the air cuts down on waste.
American Helix by GRAV brings cutting edge glassware technology to smoking, adding a new dimension to create a visually stunning experience.
What Do Helix Pipes Look Like?
A helix pipe contains a traditional spoon pipe bowl and neck design with Venturi inlets. The Venturi inlets reduce the fluid pressure, cooling the smoke without the need for water diffusion. This creates an impressive swirling smoke effect within the pipe itself. Some even say it looks like a tornado.
Various Styles and Designs
Manufactured by GRAV, helix pipes are available in a range of styles and updated designs and functionality. There is something to suit every type of smoker, no matter your budget or needs. Select from hand pipes that feature three air intake holes that cool and spin smoke. Perfect that iconic twist with a steamroller that delivers big hits.
Hammer those bubbles with the Hammer Bubbler in a one-piece hand pipe. Reviewers rave about the Classic Helix, while the Helix Stemless Straight Tube Vapor Rig or Helix Flare Base Water Pipe can make clouds in a more conventional pipe fashion.
American Helix Accessories
Smokers looking to get the most hit out of their American Helix pipe can choose from dabbing accessories such as the Solo Spectre Glass Straw. You can now even select adaptors for your vape pen.
GRAV provides high-quality, innovative bongs and smoking accessories and their American Helix range is designed to make smoking an effortless and enjoyable experience for all involved. Upgrade your smoking experience and impress your friends with the science of the Venturi effect.
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