HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) is a hemp-derived cannabinoid with a lot of potential that is quickly gaining popularity among those who have tried other cannabinoids such as Delta 8 THC. While HHC isn't THC, it does offer a THC-like experince often reported to have intoxicating, stable, relaxing and euphoric effects.
SMOKEA® offers a wide range of HHC products including edibles, vapes, flower and more from some of the industry's most trusted brands. All of these hemp-derived products are federally legal according to the 2018 Farm Bill. Each product is individually tested by a third party facility for consistency, quality and potency.
Does HHC Get You High?
HHC is an intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoid. Many consumers report that HHC feels like a more potent form of Delta 8 THC providing relaxing and euphoric effects though less potent than traditional Delta 9 THC.
All products contain less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC as allowed by the 2018 Farm Bill. Please read our full Hemp Disclaimer by clicking here.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is HHC?
What is HHC? This cannabinoid is older than most people guess. First synthesized in the 1940s, it has only recently come into the spotlight. It's not a naturally occurring compound; instead, it occurs only as a result of hydrogenation, a chemical process that introduces two more hydrogen atoms into the molecule. Margarine is a household product made using the same method, though the base component is vegetable oil, not delta-9 THC.
While hydrogenation can happen organically, the HHC used in consumable products is laboratory-made for convenience and safety. In a controlled setting, chemists can produce this synthetic cannabinoid much faster and ensure high-quality results.
Hexahydrocannabinol is more stable than THC, resulting in the following benefits:
More resilient against heat
Less vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation
Longer shelf life
The key to this greater stability is the double hydrogen bonds, which make the molecule more difficult to break down.
What Are the Effects of HHC?
There's little scientific data comparing the "highs" of THC and hexahydrocannabinol, so we have to go on anecdotal evidence right now. Interestingly, this synthetic cannabinoid can bind to receptors with two different isomers. However, one has a weaker bond compared to those created by THC, which affects your experience.
Additionally, several factors impact individual responses to cannabis:
As a result, some people find HHC more potent than THC, while others experience the opposite.
What can you expect when trying this synthetic cannabinoid? Most people experience psychoactive effects similar to those of THC, though they feel more clear-headed. You may also notice the following:
Increased appetite
As with THC, there's also a chance of adverse effects such as anxiety, paranoia, nausea, increased heart rate and disorientation. Due to hexahydrocannabinol's milder impact, these effects may also be less intense compared to those of THC, making the synthetic option attractive to some first-time users.
The intensity and duration of effects also depend on how you use HHC. Like THC, there are a variety of ways to ingest hexahydrocannabinol, which can significantly affect your experience.
Is HHC Legal?
Cannabis products with psychoactive effects are a legal gray area in the United States. The federal government still classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, putting it on par with peyote, heroin, ecstasy and LSD. However, various presidential administrations have decided not to pursue convictions for the personal use of cannabis.
States have taken the matter into their own hands by passing various legislation about medicinal and recreational use. Since laws vary across state lines, the legality of HHC isn't immediately apparent in some places, especially in states with tight regulations.
There's also the 2018 Farm Bill to consider. In this landmark piece of legislation, the federal government removed hemp from the list of controlled substances. Scientifically, hemp and marijuana are the same plant and naturally produce THC. However, farmers have cultivated various strains with different levels of THC, which the bill uses to legally differentiate between "marijuana" and "hemp."
Under the 2018 Farm Bill, a cannabis plant can't contain more than 0.3% THC to fall under the legal hemp classification. Fortunately, hemp can contribute to a variety of useful cannabis products, including CBD and HHC. This creates a loophole whereby hexahydrocannabinol, as a synthetic cannabinoid, is technically legal in states that don't have a specific ban on the books.
Can Drug Tests Detect HHC?
Of course, certain industries don't allow employees to use psychoactive cannabis products regardless of state laws. These sectors often test workers to ensure compliance with company policies.
Will hexahydrocannabinol show up on a drug test? Unfortunately, the answer depends on the test.
Laboratories can't run a sample and detect every substance present. Instead, they test for specific substances. When testing for marijuana, many labs only look for THC, as that's the most common form.
However, that doesn't mean that only using HHC will keep you off the radar. Some labs use broader tests, which may include looking for hexahydrocannabinol. Additionally, some products derived from hemp may still contain small, detectable traces of THC.
What Are HHC Gummies?
The traditional way to consume cannabis is to smoke the natural dried flower. However, since hexahydrocannabinol is synthetic, you can't consume it this way. Instead, you can find it in the following forms:
Infused hemp flower
Infused flowers, oils and resins are inhalable. While you can smoke flowers, vaping has become the method of choice in recent years. What's the difference between natural hemp flowers and infused? Infused flowers have added chemicals, which can include HHC, to make the effects more potent.
Oils and resins are concentrations derived from hemp, allowing them to deliver a more powerful punch with less product. You can use resin in a vape or a dab rig, while oil has more options:
Topical application
Added to smoothies and beverages
Sublingual deposits
Like THC, hexahydrocannabinol works fastest when inhaled. Typically, you'll feel the effects in as little as 10 minutes. The duration is also relatively short, lasting between one and three hours, depending on the strength of the cannabis and how much you take.
If you want longer-lasting effects (or don't like the taste of cannabis), consider edibles. HHC gummies are flavored gummies infused with hexahydrocannabinol distillate; while you can still taste a little of the iconic marijuana flavor, the added flavorings and sugar usually overpower it.
Edible packaging indicates how much HHC each piece contains, allowing you to control how much you consume. Since these products must go through your digestive system, they need longer to take effect — generally an hour. The effects also last significantly longer since the products stay in your system for around 24 hours.
Why Choose SMOKEA® for HHC Products?
Here at SMOKEA®, we sell high-quality cannabis products and accessories, including HHC options. Contact us online to learn more, or check out our selection today.