THCB (Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabutol) is a newly discovered cannabinoid close to THC, the most abundant phytocannabinoid in the cannabis plant and responsible for most cannabis’ psychoactivity. Early research suggests that this THCB may have a higher binding affinity for CB1 than THC. It has a high potential to relieve pain relief and even help with anti-inflammatory properties. And due to how it can bind to our brain receptors, some users have reported getting even stronger “highs”.
THCB can be found in disposable vaporizers, vape cartridges, edibles, tinctures and more. SMOKEA® is proud to offer some of these products from the industry's highest quality and most trusted brands.
Does THCB Get You High?
Yes, THCB appears to offer roughly the same level of psychoactivity as conventional THC.